Friday, August 22, 2008

Mama! tolong )))

Telephone Samsungku berbunyi nyaring. Mengejutkan lamunan dikala melayan atlet-atlet bertanding dalam sukan Olimpic. Oh, nama Brother Ahmed Alyamani keluar daripada skrin telephon. Apa agaknya berita yang ingin disampaikan. Bisik hatiku.

Brother Ahmed: Assalamualaikum, ya brother Ahmad (me). How are you doing?
Me: Waalaikumussalam wbt, ana bikhoir, alhamdulillah... I am doing good, thank you.

Brother Ahmed: Where are you now? I have something to give to you?
Me : Right now I am in my apartment. What is something? special present? hehe (make a joke)

Brother Ahmed: yaa.. present, lamb meat. Did you eat lamb?
Me: Ooh, relly! ermm... great... well, I didn't eat much but I try to cook it in my way, perhaps.

Brother Ahmed: Ok, can you come down. I can see you talking with your handphone (at that time I am standing at the branda)
Me: Oh, jaazzakallah brother... What for all this meat?

Brother Ahmed: Oh... this is for Ramadhan. I put in the fridge as a fresh meat that I slughtered with my friends this evenig. The meat is still fresh.
Me: Yes., it is.. still hot

Brother Ahmed: Ok, here I got three bag, one for you, brother Hafiz and also to brother Tahir. Could you please give it to them. If not tonight, you can give it tomorrow.

Me: That fine brother, I will keep it in my fridge first and tomorrow I will give it to them. Again brother, thank you so much. Jazzakallah hu khairan kathiran... May Allah bless you.

Brother Ahmed: You are welcome. Massalamah. Assalamualaikum
Me: Waalaikumussalam wbt
Itu adalah antara perbualan aku dengan sahabatku Brother Ahmed dari Yaman. Apartmentnya tidak jauh dari apartmentku. Hanya dalam 20 meter sahaja. Setelah menerima daging tersebut, aku terfikir macam mana aku nak masak dengan daging-daging kambing ini? Sepanjang hidup aku tidak pernah aku masak masakan berasaskan daging kambing... Kata orang, rezki jangan ditolak. Aku ambil saja pemberiannya. Sejarah tabiat pemakanan aku memang jarang aku makan daging lagi-lagi daging kambing. Aku bukan meatarian. (istilah yang aku cipta hehe) Dalam sebulan ada lah sekali menjamah makanan berasaskan daging ataupun tidak sentuh lansung. Adus.... alangkah bagusnya kalau ada 'orang rumah'. Tahulah dia nanti nak buat macam mana. Ini semestinya bukan bidang aku….

Mama.... tolonggggg )))) Aku terkedu menerima sebungkus 'hadiah' yang tidak pernah ku sangkakan. Aargg... bisa saja aku habiskan daging-daging kambing yang segar ini. Lantas aku terus mencapai pisau memotong daging-daging tersebut menjadi lebih kecil supaya mudah untuk aku masak untuk keesokkan harinya tanpa aku membiarkannya beku di dalam peti ais.

Tunggulah apa idea masakan yang aku nak buat nanti...

Merdeka vs Suaka Politik

Merdeka vs suaka politik

Apa erti kemerdekaan? Lakonan? Retorik? Atau omong-omong kosong untuk mendapatkan suaka politik?

Awal tahun lepas aku ada menyertai satu program anjuran Malaysian Student Association of Nebraska University (NUMSA). Diamanahkan sebagai memegang watak pelakon atas pentas sebagai Tunku Abdul Rahman. Watak simple tapi amat penting kerna akan memberikan impak yang besar dalam keseluruhan program pada Malam Malaysia pada waktu itu.
Keseluruhannya, tampak memang mendapat tepukan gemuruh dari pelajar-pelajar luar mahupun pelajar Malaysia sendiri ditambah lagi dengan pelbagai adegan lucu kawan-kawan Malaysia yang lain. Namun jauh disudut hatiku, aku tidak merasa semangat yang berkobar-kobar melaungkan ‘merdeka’ pada ketika itu. Ataukah pada ketika itu aku hanya berlakon?

Pada hakikatnya, Merdeka disambut dengan meriah sebagai luahan hati masyarakat majmuk yang hidup aman sentosa, menikmati pelbagai nikmatNya kepada bumi Malaysia. Hari yang diraikan sebagai menghargai keamanan yang kita ada, yang kita kecapi selama ini mahupun yang lepas. Tidak ketinggalan suaka politik juga ditunjukkan dengan memaparkan kehebatan pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu daripada UMNO yang secara tradisinya menguasai pemerintahan Malaysia. Namun kini, semua seakan-akan terbuku di hati. Masing-masing tidak lagi termampu terluah perasaan yang dapat digambarkan mengenai kekecewaan terhadap kepimpinan. INGAT! Merdeka bukan medan untuk meraikan kehebatan pemimpin, tetapi yang lebih utama adalah kepada nikmat hidup yang dikecapi di Malaysia.

Sekarang Malaysia akan menyambut kemerdekaan yang kali ke 51 dalam masa tidak kurang 10 hari lagi. Tidak nampak publisiti yang dimainkan oleh saluran – saluran TV tempatan mahupun media massa. Tidak seperti tahun lepas yang kali ke-50, gilang gemilang. Aku dapat merasakan suasana muram di Malaysia. Tika membaca blog Tun Mahathir, ada bloggers mencadangkan menterbalikkan bendera Malaysia pada saat kita merasa kesuraman tersebut akibat rasa tidak puas hati rakyat dengan pelbagai isu yang melanda Malaysia pada masa kini. Aku merasakan tidak tepat untuk berbuat demikian. Nyata, tulisan beliau ingin ingin ditujukan kepada corak pemerintahan Pak Lah yang merundum popularitinya. Bahkan Pak Lah jualah pilihan hati beliau semasa pelepasan kuasa sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang paling lama.

Nak marahkan nyamuk, janganlah kelambu dibakar!. Itu perumpamaan turun temurun masyarakat Melayu. Janganlah disebabkan Pak Lah kita menunjukkan sikap seanak-anakkan dengan menterbalikkan bendera Malaysia. Malu pada orang lain. Kalau marahkan Pak Lah, apa kata terbalikkan aja potret Pak Lah sebagai tanda protes? Bukankah itu lebih adil daripada menggadai maruah negara yang kita sayangi?

“Saya akan sambut Hari Merdeka tetapi tidak seperti 50 sambutan yang terdahulu. Sesuatu sudah hilang daripada makna kemerdekaan. Mulut sudah ditutup dan apa yang ada dalam hati tinggal tertambat, tidak boleh diluahkan….” Tun Mahathir.

Itu sebahagian kata-kata kecewa Tun. Bagiku membina tamadun bukan boleh dibuat dalam masa yang singkat! Tamadun Islam pada zaman Empayar Uthmaniah, Empayar Abbasiyyah membina ketamadunan berlandaskan syariat islam dan terus kekal sehingga lebih daripada 100 tahun lamanya. Inikan kita yang baru sahaja berjinak-jinak ingin membina ketamadunan masyarakat Malaysia. Situasi yang ada sekarang ini akan menjadi pengalaman berharga kepada generasi sekarang dah yang akan datang.


Trip to Colorado [part 3/3]

Garden of the Gods

This location was close to the downtown of the Colorado Springs about 30km. Garden of the Gods was belonging to the Native American so called Red Indians. The reds rocky mountain was very nice creature that I never seen before. The changing of the weather, rains, hot of the sun as well as the erosion was created the line of these red mountains. It is open to the public, FREE of charge. Visitors can take a walk, riding the horse to see all these beutiful yellow stones.

At that day, the weather was pretty hot! I am sweating little bit and need a drink a lot. What the interesting points is they have different shape for each mountains. I think I should not call it as a mountain. May be the best is the hills. There was so called ‘camel kiss, grey hill and etc. We can have horseback riding but the best is we should in group. So I walk a lot and do some hiking on this hill. After already tired, I went back to Denver at 430pm. Uh, it is really tired but I am happy. Then I reached at 6.30pm at the hotel and get to the registration for the conference.

Precision Agricultural Conference

What the coincident? I met Dr Siva, lecturer at the same department with me at UPM and Prof Wan Ishak, my former lecturer at KBP, UPM. We talk a lot about Malaysia as well as UPM also the latest research. At least I have someone to talk in Bahasa! Then on the next day I just follow the conference, attended the selected seminar, try to get the experience and met a people with the same field. I met a lot of international friends, from Africa, India, China, Korean as well as American. So this conference gave me the precious exposure and initial impetus to get the idea for my future project as well as the get the networking with my friends. I am also met Melissa advisor from University of Texas Tech. We talk about his background and specialized and he is kinda very very nice person, very polite and friendly. (Melissa is my office mate at UPM, she already at Texas)

Before I went back to Lincoln, I met Prof Wiwi and his wife; Kak Nomie, gave me 4 packs of instant cooking dishes from Malaysia. One of them is masak asam. Until now I didn’t touch this masak asam because need to find the fresh fish to cook it! Well, I can learn how to cook it! Yum yum yum.... Now, it is time to go home. He and his wife say good bye for me while waiting for the tour bus and makes the best wishes and good luck for my master and Dr. Siva does so. Thank you for your moral support.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Trip to Colorado [Part 2/3]

Royal George Bridge

We drove at early morning from the hotel after take a fatty food, made from cheese: Ukraine styles. It’s sweet, and so delicious…. That Slava was told me. The journey from our hotel took about 2 hours. We reached there at 10am. The sun already almost vertically on our head, but the weather is still nice at more than 12,000 feet above sea level. I took some UV protection on my face and hand since we are already at the high altitude and the weather is getting hot.

Awesome, beautiful, majestic scene! That the best words to describe the highest suspension bridge in the world and an unforgettable quarter-mile journey through the clouds of the Royal George Bridge in Colorado Spring. Historically, this place was a quarry activity to get the silver at the upper stream of Arkansas River in 1877 and has the railroad beside the river. That’s little bit history about this place that I can remembered. Otherwise, we can visit their website.

From engineering point of view, this bridge is impossible to build because it connected with two mountains across the deep river at more than 1km high. This bridge was built across the Arkansas River at 384m length, 5m width, and for walkway, it is screwed up with 1,292 planks of deck; about 250 are replaced annually. It’s very strong. Sometime the tram that bring people can go across over on this bridge too and I at the first time I have to hold at the side of the bridge! The bridge starts to shake a little. I feel dizzy when I looking down through two planks! Fuh… (gayat!) hehe

This is the best place to take a day vacation with family. Not so much that I can share about this place except the interesting place that I was visited at that day. The mains attractions is of course the Royal George Bridge, Aerial Tram, world's steepest Incline Railway, the world's scariest Sky coaster (I didn’t do this!), natural park, shows (gazebo, pavilion shows, plaza theater), shopping and food with BBQ deer meat and also outdoor activity i.e. white water rafting. I paid for 19buck for the fee and you can play anything that you want but not including the food and lodging cost. It will be my own expenses.

We started with the steepest incline railway brought us downward to the river. It was very fantastic experience and little bit different with railway in Langkawi, Malaysia that I took 5 years ago. I snap some photos of Slava and me with the view of along the river. I catch up the photos those who take white water rafting while they are shouting at the visitors. Slava and I miss the chances to take white water rafting since we little bit late arrive at the check point and have to wait for the next trips at 1.30pm. Furthermore, we did not bring our clothes. At this time, we are already plan to go back at Denver.

phonnn… phonn. phonnn.. Suddenly, we hear the echo sound: train’s bell. The echo sound created by the rocky mountains along the river. There was a mono train’s trail beside the river, brings the tourists to the panorama of the mountains along the river. After 15 minutes, we went to next location: the Aerial Tram. Again, I felt dizzy when I was in the tram. Damm….While the tram across the river at 4km/hr (consider slow!). We reached at the middle of the trail! Through the window, we can feel the wind blow at our face and make our tram shaky and unstable. There was one young girl shouting in the tram … may be she is scared!
Her mom tries to calm down her. Then when reach at the finish point, we take a walk little bit through the Pine tree. What the nice smell? Slava told me that the smell is come from Pine tree; make me feel fresh though. I also take a chance to see others wild life that I never seen before such as wild goat, deer, and white bison. I am really enjoy took a chance to brought some t-shirt of Colorado as well as Royal George Bridge cap. At least I got something to bring home!

After almost three hours we went back and take a short break having a lunch. I just have the big tuna sandwich together with the salad. Enough for me! Then we continue our tour to Garden of The Gods.

[Royal George Bridge; not so clear]

[Aerial Tram across the Arkansas River]

[ Who this guy?]

[Water clock: running by water]

[Shopping centre: to get some survenior]

[View of the rocky mountains]

[Arkansas River snapped from the bridge]

[Incline tram brought me to the river]

[Can you see who watching at me?]

[Railway to bring a tourist along the river]

[SAD... I miss white water rafting]


Trip to Colorado [part 1/3]

Heading to Denver

Slava and I left at 830am from Lincoln, Nebraska. Slava started to login the address of the hotel at Denver in the GPS pathfinder. It is very helpful as a guide for us. I think I should buy one if I want to go travel around USA for next time, perhaps. Along the journey to Denver, Colorado, we were sharing of our interest, hometown and our hobby. We talked about history he knows better than me about Empayar of Uthman at Turkey and at the South of Ukraine: the country he belongs. I open up our sharing when I told him that I am practicing as a Muslim. ‘I am a Muslim when I was born’. He knew that Muslim must pray for 5 times a day, Muhammad saw if our prophet, and some historical about Islam in Europe country i.e. Turkey, Ukraine, and Egypt. Slava is very good person, and very polite. He kinda classical people who comes from classical country which is Ukraine to the high tech of United States, the country that he got position as a lecturer about 8 years ago. He’s religions is Christian Orthodox: old Christian religion, during the Prophet of Musa a.s perhaps.

[GPS is very helpful while tracking the location. But make sure the address is correct! If not she will bring you unexpected location]
He knew that Allah send 5 holly books to the 5 different prophet which is for Ibrahim a.s, Musa a.s (Thaurat) , Isa a.s (zhabur) Daud a.s (Injil) and then lastly Muhammad s.a.w (Quran) and another one called suhuf’. And I told him that those entire book was mentioned in Quran and there is another book called suhuf’ for the other prophet too. He added, that he said he doesn’t know the content of the Quran. Another interesting about the food, he did not eat pork meat, drink alcohol, nor does smoking neither go for night club. While driving he replied ‘I am old guy’. I made a conscious smile. After a few minutes he wants to hear some explanations on the book, from the tape that he got in the internet. Tape was discussed about German scientist in Ukraine language; initiate the microbiology research in Anthrax. Kind of very good ideas perhaps sometimes got boring driving along the West Highways 80, heading to the Denver, Colorado.

Then he told me about the war between the Poland and Ukraine, how the Ukraine got independent from the Poland’s King just because of different religion: Orthodox in Ukraine and Catholic in Poland. They got independent on 1918. I pretty sure! Then he continued to play nice Ukrainian song. Very nice song and seems its very gentle and classic song. I told him that I like that song. That song that was singing by old guy in Ukraine language; kind of M. Nasir or Jamal Abdillah in Malaysia, though. “Ok, now I know what song you like. I like this song too” he replied spontaneously.
After 4 hours drove, we stop by at the Runza to get our lunch. I just had fish burger and a French fries. At coincidently we drop by at the Sod House Museum which is more to history of Native American located beside the highway. It is very nice stop actually. I went inside the ‘soil house’ and I saw they had a bad made from the cotton, small dining table and also the kitchen (they bake corn as their main food). This house was made from the layer of the clay soil. They put the soil as the roof and as wall too and make the temperature inside the house is pretty cold compare to the outside.

[View from outside of the museum]

[House made from clay soil]

Then we continue our journey. After one hour, we stop by at Cabela’s Store. They got sale for the summer stuff. We will take a rest, to relive back paint! (Huhuhu sempat lagi nak bershopping). I bought very nice, soft black jacket with really reasonable price and it has the deer head at the top right. Then, we continue driving and as a co-pilot I just need to entertain Slava, so that we are so boring while heading to Denver for 8hrs! (release stress hehe)

[Inside Cabela’s: Very nice theme for the fishing, hunting and outdoor gears. They sell most common famous outfits]
After 30minutes, he makes a call to his master student: Dwight Estherly as well as friend of me. We drop by to see the new machine for wheat combine harvester with new type of header that he used. It was very exciting moment. I got a chance to get on the combine and get some experience to harvest the wheat. As usual, the farm in US was so huge and at that times it so hot. I never know before how the wheat looks like! Then I take a chance to get there. I pared the whole wheat from the stalk and try to get the seed. It was brown, hard and crunchy (I tasted it). Its look like almost same with rice but it is on brown and little bit bigger that rice. It was wonderful moment and we again continue our trips.

[This is how the wheat looks like]

[Me and huge wheat farm]
[My advisor start to test this combine with Dwight ]

At last, we arrived at 7pm and I have to change the time. At this time, I prayed jamak ta'khir in the hotel. It tooks almost 9 hours journey from Lincoln. The time different between Lincoln and Colorado is one hour early in Colorado. We had a dinner at the hotel and go to the bed early since we are already tired. We plan to go to some places tomorrow morning at Colorado Spring and at the evening we have to come back to register for the conference.

[Train is the main transportation to bring all the agricultural product between the states]
[We are almost close to Denver]