Hidup ini tumpang menumpang
Di situlah lahirnya syukur kita kepada Allah
Pada sepinggan nasi yang kita makan
Di situ ada beras yang diusahakan oleh petani
Ada ikan yang dicari oleh nelayan
Ada ayam yang dipelihara oleh penternak
Betapa banyaknya pihak yang bekerja untuk memberikan sepinggan nasi kepada kita
I love to watch the sunset as it fades behind the trees
Love to talk with god and get down upon my knees
I love the times I spend with my family and friends
Love to dream about all the places I've never been
And I love to watch you laugh and smile, I love to watch you dream
Love it when you take my hand let me know you believe in me
And I love it that you're my girl, I love that I'm your man
Now that you're in my life Baby I know exactly who I am
Well, I know I love the ladies, I love to go out at night
I love it how we make up each and every time that we fight
Oh I love you oh so very much, love you more than words can sayy
And I don't know how or why but I love you more every day