Saturday, October 26, 2013

Talian Hayat Pada Satu Pertiga

Dan pada satu pertiga malam, Dia bertanyakan kepada Malaikat yang tidak pernah tidur...

"Adakah ada antara hamba-Ku yang berdoa kepada-Ku, supaya Aku mengabulkan permintaannya? Adakah ada antara hamba-Ku yang meminta ampun kepada-Ku, supaya Aku mengampuninya? Adakah ada antara hamba-Ku yang meminta kepada-Ku, supaya Aku memenuhinya?" 
 Hadith Bukhari & Muslim

Pengubat suka dan duka tatkala kudrat manusia terbatas... Talian hayat yang pasti memberikan jawapan!

October 26, 0614am, Sainte Anne De Bellevue, Montreal, Canada

Friday, October 18, 2013


Seorang lelaki pulang dari kerja dan anaknya terus menyambutnya dengan panggilan "Ayah!!!"

Jirannya terdengar dan merasa marah lalu berkata; "Bolehkah kamu larang anak kamu panggil kamu 'Ayah'?

Lelaki tersebut bertanya; "Kenapa?"

Jirannya menjawab; "Kerana anak saya juga panggil saya 'Ayah' dan saya tidak mahu dia terKELIRU siapakah 'Ayah'nya sebenarnya, nanti saya bimbang anak saya panggil kamu sebagai 'Ayah'nya."

Lelaki tersebut menjawab; "Adakah anak kamu tak kenal siapa 'Ayah'nya maka dia boleh terkeliru panggil saya sebagai 'Ayah'?"

"Kamu tak didik anak kamu untuk kenal siapa 'Ayah'nya yang sebenar, lalu kerana kamu gagal mendidik maka kamu nak halang anak saya dari panggil saya 'Ayah' yang telah mereka panggil sejak sekian lama?"

Jirannya menjawab; "Aku tak peduli. Hanya anak aku sahaja yang boleh guna panggilan 'Ayah'...."

Sumber: Ini Cadangan ke Soalan? 

Friday, September 27, 2013

TomTato = tomato + potato

Recently a new crop was developed-a mutant crop that could produce double product; tomato on the top and potato in the ground.

Watch this! this is REAL.. not a fake crop!

Would you dare to grow, eat or taste?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Disadvantages of TTPA to Malaysian Economy

A perspective from a former Malaysian Prime Minister

The main disadvantages of TTPA to Malaysia are;

1. Incapability of fully control of the trade value by the government and as an impact, the income will be leach out. Not enough money to sustain the economy then end up to fully import all the materials needed for domestic usage

2. Not able to control the currency. The RM will be locked at lower, always lower than USD during the trade. Thus its unfair. Then the risk will be, the RM may fluctuated and will be set and sell at lower price, which Malaysia gov. is not able to tight the currency under TTPA agreement.

3. TPPA indeed invites billion of FDI, however, the local gov will only could fore see is as a short term profit. The majority of the profit will be absorbed by the company under TTPA under long run agreement and Malaysia economy will be slowly sufffered from this as what Colombian and Peru government faced.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Western World and Selective Democracy

Penulis asal adalah dipetik daripada Dr Raudah Yunus - MBBS Alexandria University

Sekadar gambar hiasan

The recent and ongoing events in Egypt have proven beyond doubt that the western world has not been honest and true to their stated pledge of allegiance to democracy and human rights. The indecisive attitude, the soft, reluctant rebuke and at times, the awkward silence by The United States and European countries clearly indicates that they look after their interests at the expense of democratic principles and human rights. If the western interests match with democratic principles and human rights in a country inflicted with political turmoil, they will be the first to shout out slogans of freedom, the first to cut aids, the first to threaten any government for not respecting the will of people and the first to condemn undemocratic practices and seizures of power. However, if democracy in a country goes against western interests, the reverse will happen. Western governments will keep quiet or will make bizarre and foolish excuses to justify military coups, tortures and even mass murders. In other words, democracy is only for countries which will serve the interest of the western world and not for anyone else.

Before the great Egyptian revolution that toppled the dictator Hosni Mubarak, the west especially the US had always been a big ally of the Mubarak regime. Despite knowing that Mubarak came to power through a coup, that he was a dictator for three decades, that there were never any real elections in Egypt during his era and that political repressions via tortures and murders were committed by his security forces on a regular basis, the relationship between Mubarak and the western world had always been smooth. Democracy or human rights was never a serious issue. It was obvious that they needed Mubarak and exploited the corrupt nature of his regime for various agendas. Politically, Mubarak was seen as a key player to ensure the security and survival of Israel. Economically, the western world could easily plunder Egypt through many unilateral economic deals, flood the nation with their businesses and products and make the country dependent on them. Socially, the ultra-secular and pro-western regime helped ease the path for the west to culturally colonize the poor of the most important Arab nation through spreading western material and through promoting western language, culture, and lifestyle.

During the 2011 revolution, the west nervously realized that they could no longer support Mubarak due to the huge pressure exerted by the Egyptian people through mass protests and rallies. The whole world and especially surrounding Arab countries were watching every event closely. The fall of the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia sparked the so-called Arab spring and the wave was becoming more and more intense and irresistible. The United States and Europe finally had no choice but to support the revolution, with a desperate hope that Mubarak’s successor would be similarly benefitting them. Perhaps they thought or even planned, that someone like Ahmad Syafik, or El Baradei, or Amr Mousa at least would come to power. After abandoning their long devoted, loyal ally Mubarak as part of a ‘use and discard’ policy, the west had a second shock. The last thing they wanted to see was the Muslim Brotherhood in power.Through the very first, fair and democratic election ever after three decades of dictatorship and oppression, Egyptians finally had a real president who was chosen solely by their will. Unfortunately, that was not the western will. The first elected president Mohamed Morsi was not the figure America and Europe were hoping for. Nevertheless, what could they do at that moment? Nothing but to show a lukewarm gesture of congratulating Egypt for choosing a new president.

Morsi did not fit in western expectation and Egypt was too crucial for the geo-political and economic interest of the west and Israel. The west and Israel cannot, and will never tolerate a new Egypt with sovereignty and ability to self-determine its future. This is because if Egypt were to be free and in control of its affairs, the western (neo)colonial interests will be jeopardized. That leaves the enemy with only one choice; that is to manipulate the angry and foolishly impatient opposition force which was at that time, still unable to accept defeat and therefore holding a deep-seated revenge against Morsi and the Brotherhood. Forming a win-win alliance, these two groups began to provoke dissatisfaction and anger among Egyptians and, with the provocation and support of USA and Israel, worked day and night to undermine the freely elected government and president. Instead of working together with Morsi and acting as a ‘check and balance’ force, they deceived Egyptian society into believing that Morsi was throwing the nation into a deeper hell than Mubarak. Every problem in the country became the fault of Morsi and of no one else. Funnily, the misled Egyptians seemed to have forgotten the fact that Morsi inherited a country which was almost dysfunctional and chaotic in every sense, from the thirty years of Mubarak’s autocratic rule. Such damage could never be repaired in a year or so, even by the best of experts.

It was not a difficult task for the cunning opposition forces as they had many trained people and professionals and that they were morally supported by the west. In addition, a large percentage of the citizens were still illiterate and uneducated. The naivety of Egyptians was cleverly manipulated and many of them were tricked onto the streets and violent protests. Some stupid excuses like ‘shortage of fuel and gases’ and ‘disruption of electricity’(which later mysteriously and quickly resumed after Morsi was overthrown) were used to justify the mass rally which eventually gave way to the military coup. One may now argue; it’s not about gases or electricity but the nation was worried about how Morsi was governing the country. First of all, to topple a democratically elected president merely because of ‘worry’ or ‘concern’ about how he is doing his job in not justified by any standard. If it is, then any elected government in this world deserves to be ousted the moment some assumptions arise about how they are governing. Does not make sense, does it? There are millions of Americans who are not happy with Barack Obama and are highly concerned about his policies, but that does not justify the American military to oust him by force. The only way to change is that Americans will have to wait until his term is over and choose a new successor.

One weird accusation against Morsi was that he polarized Egypt. Egypt is not the only country in this world with a polarized society. In fact, there are many other countries with more boundaries of religions, cultures, ethnicities, educational backgrounds and lifestyles. Homogeneity is no longer a feature one can see or expect in any land today. Giving the Muslim Brotherhood a stronger grip on the country is mainly the secular parties’ fear and they do not constitute the majority. All over the world, when a political party comes to power, it rules and dominates. On top of that, this particular accusation is highly debatable as Morsi’s multiple attempts for a national dialogue with the opposition and his efforts to form a coalition government were outrightly and repeatedly rejected by his political rivals. Another lame argument saying that Morsi won only by 52% and so he was not supported by the majority of Egyptians. Do people know that many western rulers win elections by a much slimmer majority than 52% and they still get the privilege and dignity to run the country?

The subsequent military coup had probably brought relief to the United States and European powers. They are currently pretending to rush for urgent meetings to discuss the situation, while perhaps clapping and whistling happily behind the curtain. Egypt has lost its sovereignty and the coup meant only one thing: that the western powers still have a grip on the country and are able to manipulate it according to their wishes. The interim government and the arrogant junta are simply puppets and will be crushed or abandoned by the west when they have been fully used and are no longer needed. Their evil intention was clear from the very beginning. Despite repeatedly claiming that they do not take sides, the west conceitedly refused to regard the coup as a coup. They showed support for the military when a vicious statement like ‘the military has to take actions to safeguard Egypt from further polarization and its actions will pave way to restore democracy’ was made several times in the news. The second evidence of the west taking side was when the EU envoy met with President Morsi. It was later reported that the envoy tried to persuade Morsi to resign and to accept the coup but Morsi refused. When asked what was Morsi’s opinion and stand on the issue, the envoy made a fool of herself by saying that she would not reveal Morsi’s stand and did not want to speak on his behalf. Why then, did the EU envoy speak on the military’s behalf by attempting to convince Morsi and the pro-democracy supporters to accept the coup?

The west’s close relation with Saudi Arabia and other Arab monarchies is another irony. While championing democracy and human rights in their own lands and imposing those ideologies on other nations, the United States and other western powers are mysteriously quiet and turn a blind eye towards the clearly undemocratic nature of how the Arab royals rule their countries and how they suppress dissent and violate human rights. A highly controversial book written by John Perkins entitled ‘Confession of An Economic Hitman’ reveals how highly trained American diplomats bribe various world leaders including Saudi Arabia in secret in order to get multi-billion dollar economic deals, continuous supply of oil, and plunder the countries’ wealth while promising the leaders one thing; we will secure your position and power. The book further describes in detail how the superpower which pretends to defend world peace and human rights supports corrupt leaders, plots against and assassinates elected leaders who want real change for their countries. All these to protect the interests of American business corporations.

The degree of hypocrisy and the inconsistencies shown by America and by the European powers when dealing with the current political turmoil in Egypt are becoming clearer each day. Now that Mubarak is released from prison and the Muslim Brotherhood is suffering from severe crackdown, more eyebrows will be raised and the west has surely lost all its credibility and legitimacy to talk about democracy and human rights. Where is Egypt heading to, no one knows for sure at the moment. But it is without doubt that America and Europe have again betrayed the Egyptian people and committed a grave crime against humanity by allowing bloodshed, supporting the brutal security forces and denying the rights and dignity of a legal president chosen by the free will of Egyptians. All in all, the west is in reality, scared of real democracy and transparent governance because it will only bring about free nations which are able to self-determine their directions and challenge the western hegemony

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

KS Shoot

KS nak introduce label untuk next post as "KS shoot" untuk selected photo untuk pembaca blog ini


Duku Terengganu by KS

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Adeeb's Garden

Well... tahun ni KS agak rajin untuk berkebun....

Jenis sayur-sayuran yang telah ditanam

  • Cili burung
  • Bell pepper
  • Salad
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Tomato
  • Kacang Peas
  • Green beans (not in picture)
Nantikan update gambar2 menarik

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kedai Kopi

Beside publishing internationally, I think our UPM publisher also should actively encourage our researchers to publish into local journal i.e. Pertanika. Eventually akan jadi sama taraf dengan Elsevier, Science Journal and etc.

That is how they get started back in 100yrs ago! Its not too late and with the current system, advantage should be given more on KPI and ISI grading on their publication.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pengalaman Belajar di Luar Negara; Amerika Syarikat & Canada- Updated

Coretan ini hanya sebahagian sahaja perkongsian yang KS mampu untuk pembaca blog ini. Tidaklah seberapa detail, rasanya cukup untuk mendapat sedikit perspective berkenaan pemahaman sistem pembelajaran untuk graduate level (Master dan PhD berasakan research sahaja)  di luar negara terutamanya di USA dan Canada. KS pernah berada di USA selama 2 tahun untuk program MSc (thesis) dan PhD di Canada.  Dalam coretan ini, KS akan menggunakan dwibahasa untuk menulis artikel ini. 

1. Sistem Pembelajaran di USA

"Susah la belajar kat USA"
" Aku dengar ramai orang fail, study kat USA! Susah betul kot"     
" Alah... leceh la nak sambung belajar di US, macam-macam kriteria yang dia nak, GRE dan TOFEL/IELTS pula agak tinggi! Dah berapa kali aku repeat test......"                    

Ternyata, banyak runggutan yang biasa anda dengar dari mulut rakan-rakan anda. Dan secara keseluruhanya beranggapan susah untuk menyambung belajar di USA. 

Yes..... BENAR! Akan tetapi ada kelebihanya... KUALITI pembelajaran dan pendedahan yang membuatkannya special! Memang mencabar untuk menuntut ilmu di USA. Sistem akademik untuk graduate studies, di USA agak berbeza dengan negara-negara lain. Sistem yang  paling hampir sama dengan USA adalah Jepun, Holland dan juga Belgium. Untuk memahami dengan lebih lanjut jom kita menjengah kepada system yang KS maksudkan.

Program Master (MSc): 1-2 Tahun

Di USA, bagi Master (research) sejumlah 30 credit hour termasuk thesis adalah standard requirement. Setahu KS, untuk program non-thesis, sejumlah 40 credit hour diperlukan. Untuk program thesis, daripada 30 credit ini, kira-kira 15 credit diperuntukan untuk courses/kelas selebihnya untuk thesis dan juga publication. Semua keperluan kelas (15 credit hour) ini boleh dihabiskan selama 1-1.5 tahun. 

Bagi pemilihan subject, daripada pengalaman KS, semasa mengikuti program MSc, sebahagian kelas ini telah pun ditetapkan subjectnya oleh graduate committee sebelum KS  diterima masuk ke dalam program pilihan. Sebelum kita diterima untuk mengikuti program, internal commitee telah pun bermesyuarat dan dibentuk, dan of course jumlah dan jenis subject adalah berdasarkan keperluan program dan jabatan. Daripada situ juga kita akan menerima surat tawaran kemasukan ke universiti tersebut.

Berkaitan dengan kelas, sesetengahnya kita perlu mengambil kelas yang dioffer di peringkat department itu sendiri dan ada jua cross-department sebagai contoh KS dalam bidang kejuruteraan, salah satu subject wajib adalah Statistic I & II yang dioffer di jabatan berlainan. So dalam kelas boleh ada ramai kawan-kawan dari pelbagai latar belakang dan juga bidang... Seronok juga! :) 

Baki keperluan credit ( 15 jam credit) akan ditentukan untuk kajian ataupun publication (jika ada syarat yang ditetapkan oleh department). Yang menariknya, tiada comprehensive exam ditetapkan untuk level MSc,  hanya final defend presentation diperlukan. 

Program PhD: 4-5 Tahun

Program PhD di USA kebiasaannya akan mengambil masa dalam 3-4 tahun di mana 2 tahun pertama diperuntukkan untuk menghabiskan keperluan kuliah atau kredit dan lagi 2 tahun untuk research.

2 Tahun Pertama

2 tahun pertama harus digunakan sebaik mungkin untuk program PhD di USA untuk mengambil kelas sebanyak 90 credit hour sebagai syarat bergraduat. Daripada 90 credit, 30 credit diperuntukkan untuk thesis & publication (jika ada). Selebihnya, 60 credit diperuntukkan untuk kelas.Ya... Agak banyak untuk 90 credit hour untuk kelas... Kalau dikira-kira baki 60 credit untuk kelas itu memakan masa hampir 2 tahun untuk menghabiskan kesemua kelas wajib... Itupun belum lagi diambil kira repeat class. hehe ;)

Berkaitan kelas pula, calon PhD perlu lepas markah minima B (markah 85%). Ini untuk semua subject terutamnya subject yang telah ditetapkan oleh committee. Kalau tak lepas, register la balik next semester... tak confident, pospone lagi next semester.... yang penting kene lepas. Tak lepas satu subject tak dapat la PhD jawabnya.... So moral of the story... kalau nak habis on time, belajar bersunguh-sungguh for the first 2 years, jangan fail satu kelas pun. Summer time, ambil kelas lagi. hehe... 

Korban masa demi ilmu. Pospone dulu program travel satu USA anda! ha ha ha. 

Jika dibandingkan dengan MSc, dengan jam credit ini, kita terpaksa mengambil kelas kira-kira 4 kali ganda bebanan MSc.TIPS....Ada caranya untuk meringankan bebanan kelas! Transfer credit.... 

Ya, anda boleh transfer credit daripada MSc. Contoh! jika anda telah mengambil kelas semasa MSc (advantage MSc di USA), credit boleh dikurangkan kepada 30 credit sahaja. So, ini bermakna, pelajar PhD boleh menghabiskan kursus kurang atau selama 2 tahun dengan keperluan credit untuk kelas berkurang dari 60 kepada 30 jam credit, selebihnya masa untuk kajian. 

Kepada yang tidak pernah mengambil kelas semasa MSc, ada 2 option untuk mengurangkan jumlah jam credit. Option pertama, pengurangan boleh dimohon melalui bakal supervisor semasa apply Phd at particular school or department.  Biasanya SV akan negotiate with Graduate Coodinator untuk mendapat pengecualian. Pengecualian ini bergantung kepada pengalaman calon, bidang kajian dan kepercayaan SV kepada anda. Jika tidak dikurangkan sepenuhnya, may be boleh kurangkan daripada 60 kepada 45 credit.

Option kedua, ambil saja untuk 60 credit hour. Tiada pilihan lain! 

2 Tahun Terakhir

Comprehensive exam (CE) di USA agak unik kerana sistem untuk menerima anda sebagai calon Phd or PhD Candidate adalah sangat mencabar. Dan ini juga bergantung kepada keperluan bidang, yang mana level kesukaran bergantung kepada bidang, i.e Engineering. Pelajar akan menduduki CE setelah habis semua keperluan credit kelas i.e 60 credit hours untuk menduduki CE. Selain itu juga, calon juga diperlukan untuk menulis proposal kajian dan juga publication (jika ada).


Ya sekarang kalau anda sudah habis kelas yang ditetapkan boleh la sedikt menarik nafas. Wait! belum lagi... Di USA, selagi anda tidak menduduki CE, anda tidak dipanggil sebagai PhD candidate. So kene lepas CE dulu...

Once dah lepas CE, anda dah boleh merancang untuk percutian satu USA anda! Hurreey... Selain itu anda pada tahap ini sedikit demi sedikit telah selangkah untuk menghabiskan PhD.

2. Sistem Pembelajaran di Canada

Buat masa sekarang, KS masih lagi berada di Canada (CA) untuk program PhD. Untuk lebih lanjut, silat lawat website ini. Program di CA adalah hampir sama dengan di UK, Australia dan mana-mana negara yang pernah dibawah jajahan British. Namun begitu, program di USA sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi program pengajian di CA.

Program Master (MSc): 1-2 Tahun

Keperluan bidang MSc di CA agak berlainan dengan di USA. Jika MSc berasakan kelas (non-thesis), sejumlah 40 credit diperluakan dan kebiasaannya pelajar hanya mengambil masa selama 1.5 tahun untuk menghabiskan pengajian.. Ya. sungguh cepat. Manakala untuk MSc berasakan kajian (thesis) pula, biasanya akan memakan masa selama 2 tahun, namun tiada kelas khusus untuk diikuti. Pelajar (thesis) tidak disyaratkan untuk mengambil kelas, namun ada kelas yang wajib seperti Seminar sebagai syarat khusus. Lain-lain kelas adalah optional untuk di ambil, ikut kata SV! hehe

Bagi MSc, tiada comprehensice exam dan juga final presentation or defend. Just submit your report for non-thesi or full thesis for thesis student!.

Program PhD: 3-4 Tahun

Program PhD di CA adalah hampir sama dengan MSc. Juga pelajar dikehendaki mengambil kelas seminar dan juga kelas-kelas lain as an option, tidak wajib. Kalau dah register kelas, wajib PASS la.. Dengan kata lain, kalau SV kata register then register la subject, and kene lepas gred minima untuk graduate student. Untuk PhD sahaja, di CA ada juga comprehensive exam (CE) sama seperti di USA. 

Comprehensive Exam 

Sistem di Canada agak sama dengan di USA cuma yang berbeza cuma jumlah jam kredit. Jam kredit kebanyakkannya tidak ditetapkan kecuali dengan mengambil subject wajib seperti Seminar. Dalam masa 1-2 tahun, calon Phd sepatutnya sudah menduduki CE. Procedure yang sama juga diperlukan untuk menduduki CE seperti proposal dan publication. CE ni sama level susahnya dengan USA. Selagi tak menduduki CE, pelajar tidak layak dipanggil PhD candidate. So.. harus kerja kuat ya.... 

Alhamdulillah, KS baru sahaja selesai CE. Agak tough! 48 jam tak tidor...tak tidor malam menjawab soalan2 professor yang hebat2 tu. 

3. Kos

Selain keperluan credit, untuk memasuki sistem pembelajaran di USA/CA, kita juga perlu melepasi tahap minima GRE dan juga English test, TOEFL/IELTS. Untuk syarat minima, ianya bergantung kepada sesebuah universiti yang dipilih. Sila rujuk universiti pilihan masing2. 

Bagi yang telah berada di UK/Australia/Canada yang ingin memasuki ke sistem USA, anda perlu merujuk kepada graduate school di universiti pilihan

Jalan terbaik, sila email pegawai graduate school, nak call pun boleh kalau credit banyak la nk bayar roaming. Pakai skype ajek pun ok... Sesetengahnya ada syarat untuk English test, sesetengah tidak perlu.

Exam GRE dan TOEFL amat berlainan. GRE. Rujuk di sini. Keperluan minima GRE adalah bergantung kepada bidang kepakarang masing. Rule yang sama untuk TOEFL/IELTS. 

Sediakan sahaja kosnya... anggaran sekitar RM600 untuk satu-satu test. Ya.... memang agak banyak belanjanya. Korban masa lagi untuk prepare kesemua test2 tersebut...Masa juga implicit cost...

Itulah lumrah kalau nak pergi sambung belajar ke luar negara. Kata orang Kedah.. "Hang ingat senang ka"

Setiap kali kita mengimpikan untuk keluar negara, kita kadang-kadang lupa tentang sokongan sumber kewangan. Untuk keluar negara, agak banyak juga la belanja yang diperlukan. Daripada pengalaman KS sendiri untuk ke USA/CA dahulu, at least dalam bank sudah disediakan budget kira-kira RM5K untuk semua process, dari preparation hingga la terbang ke luar negara. Ikat perut sikit la.... naik motor pergi kerja pun bagus, jimat minyak dan toll. 

Budget kos yang di listkan dibawah adalah sesuai untuk yang telah mendapat sponsor terutamanya yang ditaja dibawah tajaan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi atau universiti2 tempatan dimana pembiyaan untuk tuition fees akan dicover oleh sponsorship.

Senarai yang perlu ada dalam budget anda seperti dibawah. Nilai mungkin akan berubah mengikut keperluan semasa. Kos2 yang disenaraikan adalah untuk single student.. tidak termasuk yang berkeluarga.

  • Engish test - RM600
  • TOEFL-untuk ke USA - RM600
  • Persediaan borang - RM100
  • Visa- RM500
  • New passport - RM500
  • School registration - RM400
  • Housing-booking - > RM1000
  • Barang2 keperluan untuk travel e.g luggage, baju sejuk - > RM1000
  • Foods; ikan bilis & belacan! ;)  - RM500

4. Kesimpulan

Dari segi teknikalnya memang belajar agak mudah belajar di Canada berbanding di USA. Namun, KS berpendapat belajar di USA banyak lagi pengalaman dan juga kelebihan berbanding ditempat lain. Antara kelebihannya, kebanyakkan kajian adalah terkini, dan mendahului negara lain, dan ini memberikan kelebihan untuk mencari novelty of the research, dan juga ada nota2 pembelajaran bagi yang akan berkhidmat di universiti tempatan sebaik menamatkan pengajian.

Kehidupan sebagai pelajar memerlukan kecekalan yang tinggi untuk mencapai segulung ijazah dan usaha tanpa jemu adalah resepi kejayaan, terutamanya kecekalan hati belajar di luar negara. Kita juga selalu diingatkan agar tidak mudah lalai dengan karenah2 luaran yang boleh mengangu focus untuk belajar.

Secara keseluruhannya,  tidak kisah di mana2 kita menuntut ilmu, semuanya rezki. Dapat ijazah itu rezki dariNya. So kita tetap kene berusaha untuk mendapatkan ijazah kerna itu adalah matlamat pembelajaran disetiap peringkat. Tidak kiralah dimana jua kita menuntut ilmu, kesukaran dan kesenangan telah ditetapkan sesuai dengan tahap dan keupayaan kita. 

Semoga berjaya.
PS: Sebarang cadangan untuk memperbaiki posting ini amat dialu2kan... 

Bacaan tambahan
  • List of University: 
  • Visa:
By Kopiah Senget
Jan 2013
Sainte Anne De Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. 
Last Updated: June 2014

DIY: How to apply a film on glass window?

This is my personal review on how to tint the glass window since many houses in Malaysia right now is currently being installed with the glass type of window, sliding perhaps the main door. I asked for a quote for the film or tinted installation for my house, they asked for RM2500. Dude! this is ladies task.. why is so much cost on this matter?

One of the quick method is by following this video



Tools needed
1. Razor Blade and utility knive
2. Sprayer with water or cleaner solution
3. Measurement tape or ruler
4. A tape & scissor
5. Glass crubber
6. Glass guide-optional. The small ruler can be used
7.Clothes or paper towel
8. Film for tinted

1. For the first time experience, try on small window.

Some dos and don'ts:
  • Gila® residential window film should only be applied to the INSIDE surface of standard 1/8" single and dual panes. This includes single, dual, removable storm panes, and all window shapes such as patio and French doors, and half-rounds.
  • Apply film to the INSIDE surface of exterior removable storm panes.
  • Apply film when the temperature is between 40° and 90°F and has been for at least three days prior to application.
  • Do not apply Gila residential films to plastic or Plexiglas surfaces or to motor vehicle windows.
  • Do not apply any film to frosted, etched, leaded, cracked, holed, or deeply scratched glass, or any otherwise flawed or defective glass or glass that is over 40 years old.
  • Handle the film very carefully to prevent creasing.
  • Installation on larger windows (3-4' wide) is easier with two people.

Guide how to:

Wondering Spring

When will be the spring…
Sound of birds chirping
Bright of sun shining
Joy of kids jumping

When the trees will be flowering
As the love in the heart blossoming
Promise it will be here..God

So I will keep on waiting
As the two lovers who are longing
when the music’s beat rhyming
SAI April 2013

Sainte Anne De Bellevue, Qc, Canada